ITE-SBR Youth Eco Ambassador Awards 2018

The ITE-SBR Youth Eco Ambassador Awards 2018 was held at Siloso Beach Resort on the 28 November 2018, with 2 distinguished speakers from the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum.

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The purpose of this event is to recognize ITE’s “Youth Eco Ambassadors,” which are awarded to students who have demonstrated environmental leadership at the school.

The two speakers are Mr Foo Maosheng, Curator of Tissues and DNA in Cryogenic Collection and Ms Iffah Binte Iesa, Curator of Cnidarian, Echinoderm & Microscope Slide Collections. Their sharing, titled “Back to Basics: Relevance of the Natural History Museum” shares about the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum’s recent biodiversity research activities, from local field biodiversity surveys to overseas expeditions, such as the recent South Java Deep Sea Expedition, where more than 12,000 marine creatures were collected.



Mr Foo Maosheng shared more about the different species of insects he has collected so far, as well as the sperm whale that was found in Singapore’s territorial waters. To find out what killed the whale, they opened the gut of the whale and found human trash such as disposable plastic cups. Mr Foo also shared with the audience on how they slowly defleshed the sperm whale to recover its skeleton for the museum.



Ms Iffah Binte Iesa shared more about the recent South Java Deep Sea Expedition. She even showed a short video of the process of retrieving the sea creatures from the sea bed, and the different instruments used. She also spoke about the sea creatures and their characteristics.


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